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Our Year 10 GCSE Drama students were taken to a live theatre production of Boys from the Blackstuff by James Graham in preparation for next year's Live Theatre Review. For many of them, this was their first time seeing live theatre, and all thoroughly enjoyed the production.


Anyone for tennis!



Group A coach 1 on their way to Rootd Adventure for a night of camping! Some very excited students this morning!#year7trip


Some of our year 9 students had the opportunity to visit The London Eye for a DT Trip on Friday, students were thoroughly engaged, even those who were scared of heights. A fun day looking and discussing local landmarks and architectural designs within central London 🎡



We have had all the tunes tonight at HABE and the kids have loved it! Please come and collect your child at 8pm - DJ Shone


A big thank you to DJ D, our very own inhouse DJ.


HABE's first ever Year 7 Disco is well underway, with everyone absolutely loving it! - DJ Shone


The Catering Team celebrating England's win.


Our new year 7 parents and students turned up in their hundreds on Monday and Tuesday as we hosted our parent information evening/induction day. The students were amazing! We now look forward to our next transition event: HABE Summer School ☀️ 📚


For more information follow this link- Child Benefit when your child turns 16 - (


Changes to child benefit for 16-19 years. Parents need to take action now.



Stella, our local Beckenham Cat decided to pay Mrs Hall a visit today.


HABE The book fair is here!To buy books, students fill in a wish list to take home. Parents pay for books using a QR code or go to Students bring completed wish list back to school to receive books. Book tokens also accepted.


🚨 TALENT SHOW 2024 🚨 Tickets are on ParentPay for our 2024 Talent Show - £6 per person. Tuesday 2nd July from 5pm (art exhibition) talent show acts to start at 6pm. Performances from the PE, Art, Drama and Music departments 🖼️


HABE Impact day for Year 8 students, with First Aid being taught by some of our amazing PE team, Ms Jaymes & Mr Stokes. All students learnt the basics of First Aid and even got to try out what they had learnt on each other!


HABE welcomed author, performance poet & rap artist to perform for year 7 students today, they loved his poems & inspirational stories about growing up in London & Nigeria. Later, a group of year 8 & 9s enjoyed Karl’s workshops so much that they all produced their own poems!


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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Student Voice

The voice of our students plays an important part in the successful running of the Academy.

There are many avenues through which students can voice their views, both informally and formally. From running for Student Leadership Group to joining Student Council to participating in student surveys, we want every student to know that their voice is heard and valued.

Student Voice also provides opportunities for students to engage with the larger community. By supporting charities through fundraisers, raising the profile of the academy within Beckenham and opportunities to participate in the Bromley Youth Council, students have the chance for student voices to be amplified and make an impact beyond our four walls.

If you would like to find out more about our Student Voice programme at Harris Academy Beckenham then please email Miss Alexander

Student voice table of leadership

Message from our Head Girl and Head Boy

Here's a message from James and Olivia, the Head Boy and Head Girl here at Harris Academy Beckenham.

Our 6th form student leaders are taking the lead with Student Voice. The Head Boy and Girl lead Student Leadership Group meetings with Prefects mentoring year groups. They meet on a regular basis to plan and present ideas to the Principal and Assistant Leadership Group.

Hello there, everyone!

We are James and Olivia, the Head Boy and Head Girl here at Harris Academy Beckenham!

Both of us have been students at HABE since Year 7, and so we have seen first-hand the growth of HABE throughout the years.

As Sixth Form students now, it feels both scary and exciting to be completing our A-Levels and advancing into our future after HABE! However, we are incredibly grateful for the staff here at our school, for their passion and drive towards helping us achieve our full potential.

Since we have been here for so long, we understand some of the troubles that our younger students can face, whether it be stress from homework, schoolwork, exams or other circumstances. In the aftermath of the pandemic, it can still be quite hard for some students to adjust to normal school life and adapt to new forms of learning.

As a result, we are both very focused on giving a voice to these students, both through our positions as senior members of the Student Leadership Group (which helps to make improvements in different parts of our school). Recently, we have been focusing on subjects such as bullying and mental health, as well as deciding on which charity we should choose in light of the upcoming Christmas Break, which can be a very stressful time for many, especially given the country’s circumstances at this time.

We want to be figures that students can approach with any problem, from worries about their mental health to even struggles with a particular subject they are studying. We would be more than happy to listen to them!

We aspire, as Head Boy and Head Girl, to ensure that every student at Harris Academy Beckenham has a comfortable and enjoyable learning experience, whether it be your first day of Year 7, or your last week in Year 13! We do hope you have a wonderful time at our school, and we are always here as someone to listen to – and be a voice – to your concerns.

James and Olivia :)

Student Leadership Group

Our Student Leadership Group (SLG) at HABE is made up of eight societies around each of our eight HABEcharacter traits. To be part of the Character Societies, students across all year groups have the opportunity to go through a rigorous application process at the beginning of each academic year. 

Each character trait is focused on a specific key area, creating action plans and working towards their own projects to improve the student experience here at HABE throughout the year:

  • Kindness Society – Mentoring Programmes
  • Respect Society – Anti-Bullying Programmes
  • Integrity Society – School Culture & Character Development Days
  • Ambition Society – Careers Development
  • Creativity Society – Enrichment & Creative Voices
  • Courage Society – Mental Health Provision
  • Curiosity Society – Teaching and Learning & Literacy
  • Optimism Society – Rewards and Charity Work

Character Societies 2023-24

This year, a total of 80 students across year groups 7-13 have successfully secured their membership in one of the Character Societies, following a rigorous application process of 130 applicants. Each Society is led by two Sixth Form students, taking on the responsibilities as Society Chair and Society Secretary.









Meeting dates

If your son/daughter has been successful in becoming part of the Student Leadership Group, he/she will be invited to attend a Principal's Breakfast with Mrs Warnock and Miss Alexander on the 3rd and 10th November 2023.

This first meeting will provide the opportunity to celebrate their success in securing their membership in of our Character Societies and meet their Chair, Secretary and co-members. 

Following October half-term, Societies will then meet on a regular basis, working towards the completion of their own projects by March:

  • Friday 3th November 2023: Principal's Breakfast for the Kindness, Respect, Integrity and Ambition Societies
  • Friday 10th November 2023: Principal's Breakfast for the Creativity, Curiosity, Courage and Optimism Societies
  • Friday 24th November 2023: Character Society Boot Camp - How does an effective Society function?
  • Friday 8th December 2023: Character Society Agenda Meeting 1
  • Friday 15th December 2023: Character Society Agenda Meeting 2
  • Friday 15th December 2023: Character Society Project Meeting 1
  • Friday 12th January 2024: Character Society Project Meeting 2
  • Friday 9th February 2024: Character Society Project Meeting 3
  • Friday 15th March 2024: Character Society Project Presentation & Feedback
  • Friday 29th March 2024: Character Society Reflection & Celebration